We’re having a second marathon in 2022!
Why would we do that, when we already held a video-game marathon back in March?
The short answer: Why not!
The long answer: We wanted to have a “classic” marathon after two years of COVID-related disruptions. Our 2020 marathon was virtual. Our 2021 marathon was postponed until March 2022, and held on Long Island. We’re glad that we were able to have those events and raise money for children in need during the pandemic. But now, we’re finally able to have a marathon like we used to, pre-COVID: in person, during the holiday season, and in New York City.
So, we’re having a second marathon this year! The festivities begin at 8PM EST on Friday, December 2nd, 2022. Join us right here at nicksmarathon.org to watch us play and make a tax-deductible donation.
We hope to see you then!